Gary Smith EDA (GSEDA) is the leading provider of market intelligence and advisory services for the global Electronic Design Automation (EDA), Electronic System Level (ESL) design, and related technology markets.
A powerpoint presentation discussing: the promise of IP reuse and why it didn’t happen; recent changes to the ITRS cost chart; different types of IP (design (royalty vs. non royalty chart), verification and models). Price: $500 Inc. (Ohio, USA) is a payment facilit
Two page overview of full market share report. Contains table of top 5 EDA companies with revenue and growth, graph of regional EDA revenue and growth, and EDA market analysis. Price: $500 Inc. (Ohio, USA) is a payment facilitator for goods and services provided by Gary
Analysis of the changes in the Wallcharts with a discussion of the RTL Sign-off problem and the Sub-Apps likely to move to ESL soon. Includes chart and discussion of changes in the Wallcharts over the last 13 years in terms of Merged, Died and New companies. Price: $500
ESL growth is up significantly, but not as much as last year. Discussion of the one additional new category (Software Synthesis) and what it is. Analysis and explanation of the Three Virtual Prototypes. Review of movements with established and new companies. Price: $500
16th annual write up of ‘must see’ products at the 48th DAC 2011 with a detailed analysis of the products, categories and why you ‘must see’ them. To post/ reprint the list and/or use GSEDA logo, purchase the RV for $500. Price: $500
The Great Recession and Raising Cost of Design Impact Design Engineering Seat Count: Contains 3 tables: Design Engineering seats divided by CAE, IC & PCB layout; ESL, Semiconductor and PCB/ FPGA pyramid seats in number of users as well as dollars. Price: $1,000
The latest PCB Market Trends’ reports purpose is to provide further visibility into regional PCB EDA tool suppliers and includes updates from Zuken. These updates have created a great deal of change and jockeying of position among PCB EDA suppliers. Includes PCB market share, ou
Gary Smith EDA conducted their first Embedded Software market survey. Report includes analysis of market (consolidation and future), market size and growth forecast and RTOS Stack and Commodization. Who will own the market stack in the future? Who is likely to make acquisitions and wh