Aquires Wind River" |
Intel Acquires Wind River: Re-aggregation Continues in
the Semiconductor Software Stack
- Intel’s acquisition of Wind River Systems sends a couple
of different messages. From a semiconductor perspective,
it suggests an ongoing trend of re-aggregation in the
semiconductor supply chain as a means of more tightly-controlling
device architecture for both hardware and software. From
an embedded software perspective, the increasing trend
towards consolidation that has been ongoing for several
years just reached a new plateau. Intel has effectively
taken out the largest player in the embedded software
market leaving only a few independent companies.
Several embedded software companies have been acquired
in the past 10 years. The most notable acquisitions are
shown in the table below.
Table 1: Acquisitions
of Embedded Software Companies
Company |
Target |
Instruments |
Microsystems |
Motorola |
Metrowerks |
Harmon |
Graphics |
Radisys |
Microware |
Altium |
Tasking |
Source: Company Press Releases
While the motivations behind each acquisition may have
been driven by different strategic or tactical requirements
(Motorola was a good example of a tactical play to keep
a valued customer, while Harmon’s was more a strategic
play for the automotive market), the primary driving factor
has been the need to control the device architecture at
the hardware and deep OS levels, given the rising importance
of software in the stack. Texas Instruments realized this
early on and indeed has been very successful in capturing
a significant lead in the wireless markets because of
this advantage.
Software is now becoming as or more important than the
hardware, a trend that Gary Smith EDA has been calling
out for several years. The Toshiba Keynote at ASP-DAC
this year presented data from METI showing that the embedded
software development cost was 60% of the total further
supporting this hypothesis. There is no longer any doubt
that design going forward is primarily going to be software
centric and most semiconductor manufacturers, especially
those that have a big stake in the consumer electronics
market have recognized and acknowledged the trends. The
free lunch that silicon vendors and device manufacturers
have enjoyed for so long in terms of being able to squeeze
out more efficiencies from the hardware and not really
worrying about the software is coming to an end. And with
it has come the recognition that going back to the days
of turnkey systems may not be such a bad thing after all.
Intel has been selling embedded processors for many years
now in parallel to their bread and butter PC and server
businesses. Intel’s footprint in the embedded market has
been much smaller in comparison to their PC marketshare.
Margins in the PC markets are shrinking and the recent
recession has significantly impacted both PC sales and
server sales. Intel has tried to expand into the device
markets before but has not been successful. However this
time, things are a little different. Unlike 10 years ago,
there is a new disruptor in the marketplace - multicore
architectures. For the past 3-4 years, Intel has been
steadily building up a software toolchest for multicore
that goes beyond just VTune (a rather long in the tooth
optimizing tool.) Intel needs to control the hardware
and hardware dependent software layers to produce an optimized,
low power architecture to appeal to device manufacturers
especially in consumer electronics. You don’t need to
look far to see an example of how some companies do this
very well. Apple controls every aspect of the device:
hardware, software and the user experience.
From an OS perspective, Wind River brings two operating
systems to the table. One is VxWorks, a proprietary real
time operating system and the second is a linux distribution
that they have targeted primarily at telecom and datacom
companies. In addition to this, Wind River has built up
a sizeable tools and middleware stack over the years,
primarily through acquisition.
From a channel perspective, Wind River’s biggest customers
are the aerospace/defense and telecom vendors accounting
for 50% of the market with the rest divided up among industrial
equipment, automotive and consumer electronics. Intel
does not have a strong presence in the aerospace/ defense
or telecom/datacom markets. Buying Wind River may provide
channel access to these markets where Intel can then hope
to leverage its hardware products as well. Intel also
does not have a large presence in the automotive markets.
This has long been an area of strength for Motorola, not
withstanding its recent troubles, and again Wind River’s
relationships with some of the tier 1 and 2 automotive
suppliers may provide a channel for Intel to enter those
Wind River has some presence in the consumer electronics
markets, mostly printers and office peripherals though
they have had some wins in set top boxes and a few other
devices. Their strength in the smartphone and feature
phone market is not that clear either. They are part of
Google’s Android ecosystem and have a dedicated team of
engineers to support the Android platform. They have had
some wins in other smartphone markets as well. Intel has
not yet signaled an interest in moving into the smartphone
market though they are definitely going after the device
markets with Atom and Mobilin. And entering the smartphone
market (should that be Intel’s intention) is not that
easy given that there are already several strong players
with well-supported ecosystems. However, the sum of the
parts may be greater than the whole and may have motivated
Intel to acquire Wind River in preference to other independent
software vendors that they could have acquired at a much
lower cost but may not have given them the reach they
are hoping to get in these channels.
This leaves the embedded software market in a more fragmented
condition than previously. Wind River was the largest
player in the market with revenues of approximately $350M.
Green Hills Software, Mentor Graphics’ ATI division, LynuxWorks,
ExpressLogic, Enea and MontaVista are the other players
in the market but combined revenues likely are lower than
those of Wind River if you ignore Microsoft’s Embedded
division’s revenue. Each company has strengths in different
areas as result of historical and market forces that have
led to each vendor staking out a strong position in no
more than one or two vertical markets.
EDA vendors with the exception of Mentor Graphics have
not really embraced the need to create stronger and deeper
relationships with embedded software vendors. As the software
problem becomes more and more significant in device architecture,
they do need a viable strategy to understand how to approach
software from an ESL perspective (this includes embedded
software) or risk being marginalized.
Only time will tell if Intel’s strategy will pay off.
Very likely support for other semiconductor manufacturers
that Wind River currently supports will dry up. As noted,
the embedded software industry is mostly smaller players
that may not have the bandwidth to support new reference
board implementations. In turn this could trigger either
a new round of acquisitions, or semiconductor vendors
might decide to invest in more internal developments for
the same reasons that drive Apple – control the stack
more tightly. EDA vendors need to carefully consider their
options with regards to embedded software and ESL. If
they don’t have a clear strategy they could find themselves
on the fringes as opposed to being a key strategic ally
for their semiconductor partners..
Daya Nadamuni