Gary Smith EDA (GSEDA) is the leading provider of market intelligence and advisory services for the global Electronic Design Automation (EDA), Electronic System Level (ESL) design, and related technology markets.

Research Viewpoints are an in-depth analysis of news and market trends that will have a significant impact on the strategy and product directions for market participants in the future. Read these research viewpoints to understand what the implications are for your company, product and partner strategies.
What To See @ DAC Research Viewpoint:
Back to Basics
The 14th annual ‘must see’ list of products includes ESL synthesis, ESL power, DRC/ Extraction, ASIC layout and Design Team E&A tools. This year we are going back to the basics. Includes What To See @ DAC Monday morning pavillion presentation.
Cost: $500
CAE & CAD/ CAM Walchart Research Viewpoint
Activity slows in a difficult year. Review of new, acquired and out of business companies as well as changes to sub-applications.
Cost: $500
2H08 AMS Financials Year-End Bloodbath
The second half of 2008 ended in a bloodbath for AMS semiconductor suppliers. 1Q2009 IDMs, fabless and foundry companies remain precariously negative about future growth for the year. Includes tables, analysis and review of 3Q and 4Q 2008 AMS Company Financials and TI’s 4Q 2008 Segment Revenue Results.
Cost: $500
4Q08 EDA Market Forecast
4Q08 EDA Market Forecast
2008 is shaping up to be the worst year in recent history for EDA. At the outset of 2008, it looked like it would be a pretty good year. Having just come off of two consecutive years of 10 percent growth, 2008 showed signs of fairly robust demand, albeit a bit lower than the previous couple of years. The EDA market appears headed to decline...
Cost: $1,000
EDA Fundamentals for Financial Community
One of the outcomes of the chaos caused by the attempted acquisition of Mentor by Cadence has been an increasing interest in EDA by the Financial Community. The 44 slide PowerPoint presentation covers from the beginning of EDA to today. It presents the business drivers, the business practices and the competitive workings of EDA. It then examines the present competitive positioning of the present industry leaders.
Cost: $1,000
2Q08 Stable AMS Financials:
Analog/mixed signal (MS) semiconductor suppliers remain cautious about
3Q2008 revenues due to a volatile economy and its possible impact on
electronics business. Firm orders in Q2 2008, and an order backlog in early
Q3 2008, prompted many analog/MS suppliers to indicate growth…Includes
analysis of Earnings and R&D spending…
Cost: $500
AMS Technology & Design Executive Summary:
A high-level summary of the full report that includes Analog/Application specific analog revenue figures. Purchase of this summary will be credited towards purchase of full report.
Cost: $500
FUD, Reality and Vision Presentation:
Gary Smith’s annual Sunday night review of the state of the industry including major FUD themes, a reality check of where we are today and a vision of where the design world is going. In addition, the presentation includes discussion of threads, top 10 issues for 2008 and GSEDA’s 2nd quarter EDA market forecast.
Cost: $500
What To See @ DAC Research Viewpoint:
The 13th annual ‘must see’ list of products includes power optimization, analog layout and ESL/ SW tools. This document articulates the process of choosing which tools are selected and recommendations for companies to improve their chances to make it though the current electronic inflection point…
Includes What To See @ DAC Monday morning pavillion presentation.
Cost: $500
ESL Wallchart
Research Viewpoint
The Methodology Matures. Review of new, acquired and out of businesss companies as well as changes to sub-applications including list of ESL Killer Apps.
Cost: $500
2009 EDA Market Forecast - Not Looking Up Quite Yet
At Least It Isn’t Getting Any Worse. Although layoffs and budget cutbacks are still prevalent and slow sales are projected, it doesn’t seem that the recession is deepening, either; stagnation is the name of the game right now. What is the current forecast and the market drivers for growth?
Cost: $1,000
HDL Seat Count
Throughout the years our most popular non-published research has been HDL Seat Count report. This year we have added new survey results that increase the scope of the document to include regional splits as well as the total HDL seats, HDL ASIC+ seats, HDL FPGA seats with breakdowns of Verilog and VDHL seats...
Cost: $1,000
AMS Technology & Design Report:
GSEDA addresses recent AMS turning points in three market segments as follows:
• Semiconductor AMS market and technology direction
• EDA AMS competition expansion and investment opportunities
• GSEDA's 2008 EDA AMS User survey results
See table of contents for more details...

Cost: $2,000
Is This the Year of Analog DAC presentation:
Mary Olsson’s review of Analog/ Mixed-Signal (AMS) trends, AMS design flow and vendors and the upcoming Users’ report.
Cost: $500
ESL Wallchart 2008: It's the Software Stupid
The ESL Methodology is maturing into its final state. This year we restructured the ESL Wallchart to reflect market changes by updating System Design Automation section, adding coverage for Embedded, especially multicore, software development and deleting the Platform-based design section.
Cost: $500
CAE & CAD/CAM Wallchart 2008:
EDA passes the 500 mark
We are seeing is a still vibrant EDA Industry with a maturing RTL market but with an exciting and challenging ESL and IC CAD sector. Includes chart and analysis of EDA vendor growth of new companies, acquisitions and companies that left EDA since 1997.
Cost: $500
Pain and Parallel Programming:
Who, What, Why and How to Approach Parallel Programming
This paper discusses the history and the drivers that are moving us to parallel programming followed by a discussion of the three possible approaches to parallel programming (Threading, API and Concurrent languages)...
Cost: $1,000
ESL – The Software Story
by Daya Nadamuni
In the software domain the free lunch is disappearing. The free lunch refers to the bloat that software programs were undergoing as hardware became faster and faster. Performance gains in software came more from technology advances in hardware than in software. However now that the multicore era is here to stay, a balancing act needs to happen between the software and hardware domains to achieve optimal system design...
Cost: $1,000
Market Statistics are the basis
of all sound business planning.
Gary Smith EDA provides three
basic annual EDA market statistics documents:
• Market Share report consisting of historical data
• Market Forecast report containing five-year future projections
for industry growth
• Market Trends reports with in-depth data and analysis
exploring growth drivers for the many sub-applications
that comprise the EDA market.
Market Trends is divided
into five separate documents: ESL Trends, CAE Trends, IC
CAD Trends, PCB Trends and the Sub-Application Forecast,
to better tailor data for the variety of needs of Gary Smith
EDA clients.
- seat count
2008 Market Share
The full market share report covers market size and share data for the entire EDA industry, as well as more granularities into market data for each of the CAE, IC and PCB applications in all regions...
Cost: $5,000
Analog, RF, and Custom Market Trends
This report will discuss the trends, 2007 market share and forecast for the Analog, RF and Custom sub-application sections of ESL, RTL IC CAD and PCB applications of the EDA market..
Cost: $2,000
2008 Market Trends: ESL
The ESL Market Trends report includes market share, market forecast and analysis by sub-applications for the ESL sub-applications. For more information, please review the detailed table of contents and figures.
Cost: $2,000
2008 Market Trends: RTL and Below
The RTL and Below Market Trends report includes market share, market forecast and analysis by sub-applications for the RTL and Below sub-applications. For more information, please review the detailed table of contents and figures.
Cost: $3,000
2008 Market Trends: PCB
The PCB Market Trends report includes market share, market forecast and analysis by sub-applications for the PCB sub-applications. For more information, please review the detailed table of contents and figures.
Cost: $1,000
2008 EDA Market Forecast
by Sub-Application
Rather than a few large market areas, EDA is a collection of eighty-five sub-applications; all markets of their own, which really drive the overall market. If you want to understand EDA you need to follow these sub-application markets closely. Includes a five-year market forecast for all sub-applications in the ESL, RTL and below, IC CAD and PCB application markets.
Cost: $2,000
2008 Market Trends:
ESL, RTL and Below, IC CAD
and PCB.
The Complete Market Trends report includes market share, market forecast and analysis by sub-applications for ESL, RTL and Below, IC CAD and PCB applications. For more information, please review the abstract, detailed table of contents and figures.
Cost: $10,000
2008 Market Trends: IC CAD
The IC CAD Market Trends report includes market share, market forecast and analysis by sub-applications for the IC CAD sub-applications. For more information, please review the detailed table of contents and figures.
Cost: $2,000
Analog, RF and Custom
Sections of Market Trends 2007
This report includes the Analog, RF and Custom sections of the Electronic Design Automation (EDA) 2007 Market Trends. We will discuss the trends of each of the important sub-applications giving market share and the five-year market forecast.

Cost: $2,000
2008 Market Forecast
Report containing five-year future projections for industry growth.
Cost: $5,000
2008 Market Share
The full market share report covers market size and share data for the entire EDA industry, as well as more granularities into market data for each of the CAE, IC and PCB applications in all regions...
Cost: $5,000
HDL Seat Count
Throughout the years our most popular non-published research has been HDL Seat Count report. This year we have added new survey results that increase the scope of the document to include regional splits as well as the total HDL seats, HDL ASIC+ seats, HDL FPGA seats with breakdowns of Verilog and VDHL seats...
Cost: $1,000
Seat Count 2008
This report is the basis of Total Available Market (TAM) figures for the EDA market. It gives start-ups a reliable source for their TAM projections and venture capitalists a reality check to compare start-ups’ claims.
Cost: $2,000
Industry Notes are short summaries of events that will affect the electronics design world.
What To See @ DAC 2009 list
The 14th annual ‘must see’ list of products includes ESL synthesis, ESL
power, DRC/ Extraction, ASIC layout and Design Team E&A tools. This year we
are going back to the basics.
In order to receive permission to post the list on your website, you must purchase the Research Viewpoint
Cost: FREE
Cadence Cuts Jobs
The 5% layoff says that Cadence is recovering faster than expected. On the surface shutting down DFM looks like a good decision...Look a little closer however and it brings up a problem with their long term strategy
Cost: Free
IC Package and PC Board Interfaces
Surviving another industry downturn through exploration of IC package and PC Board interfaces. Details opportunities to mitigate effects of downturn and specifically examines opportunity to optimize the Chip-Package-System co-design for competitive advantages
Cost: Free
ASP-DAC Review
Japan's top conference with highlights of Toshiba and IBM keynotes, ESL methodology panel. Prescriptive Design Rules (PDR) definition and advantages vs. RDRs
Cost: Free
EDP Review
EDP again had an excellent technical program. 4 main themes: Network on Chip (NoC), RTL ASIC Hand-off, Automation of Analog Design and Parallel Computing. Gary takes an Honest Look at Parallelism with discussion of tech sessions and nVidia, Magma keynotes. EDP Presentations
Cost: Free
Smart Grids Bring Opportunities
The planned investment in Smart Grids brings opportunities to EDA and Embedded Software companies. Discussion includes definition of smart grid, opportunities analysis, IT spending, and recent Standards activity.
Cost: Free
Intel Aqcuires Wind River
continuing the re-aggregation of the Semiconductor software stack. Discussion includes motivations and trends with embedded software companies, Intel’s interest in the Embedded Market, where Wind River fits in and Impact on Embedded SW & EDA markets.
Cost: Free
DATE 2009
Dire predictions for DATE were wrong. The technical show was excellent and my favorite part of DATE, the hallway conversations, was as active as always. Reviews Keynotes and Panels. Discusses the relationship between Marketing, Sales and Trade Shows.
Cost: Free
Concurrent Memory - A Call to Action
The Von Neumann compute model is the sequential single processor architecture found in most computers today. As the Power problem increased, the semiconductor vendors moved to a multi-core architecture...solving the performance problem but abandoning the Von Neumann architecture...putting into jeopardy all the companies that have made a living based on the Von Neumann compute model; Microsoft, Intel.
Cost: FREE
Software-As-A-Service in EDA - Time Again?
So, is the EDA world ready to delve into the world of hosted software again? Cadence has been rolling out its Hosted Design Solutions to customers. Who’s deploying Cadence’s version of software-as-a-service (SaaS) for semiconductor design? Discussion includes analysis of concerns for EDA users and vendor considerations.
Cost: FREE
Cadence & Mentor –
the Numbers
GSEDA reviews the competitive positioning with current detailed sub-application analysis. Next GSEDA looks at what would happen with the combined company in terms of expected market share taking into consideration leakage due to competing products. Finally, GSEDA suggests three possible outcomes and the likely results
Cost: FREE
Wallcharts are visual representations of the EDA vendors' tools per category as defined by Gary Smith EDA. There are three versions: EDA ESL, CAE, and CAD/CAM.
CAD-CAM Wallchart 2009
This Wallchart lists the EDA vendors by sub application
Cost: FREE
ESL 2009
This Wallchart lists the ESL vendors by sub application
Cost: FREE
CAE Wallchart 2009
This Wallchart lists the EDA vendors by sub application
Cost: FREE
2008 Definitions for EDA Market Share Survey
Cost: FREE
Design Technology Improvements and Impact of Designer Productivity
Cost: FREE
EDA Tool User's Definitions
Cost: FREE